Tatworth and Forton is a rural parish surrounded by beautiful countryside yet close to major towns. The main centre of population lies two miles south of Chard, although Forton is closer to Chard than to Tatworth and South Chard. The parish is roughly triangular in shape measuring 3.5 miles west to east and 4 miles north to south. It is the most south westerly parish in Somerset, bordered on the east by the River Axe and dorset on the South and West by Devon. There are bus links north and south from Tatworth and South Chard and to Taunton and Yeovil to the east from Forton. The M5 motorway junction is at Taunton.

There are 1115 households and a population of approximately 2700.

Tatworth and Forton History


Join our local team and become a Parish Councillor
Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the council? Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for co-option to the Parish Council.
The Parish Council is entitled to have 12 council members and after recent resignations we now have two vacancies.
No special qualification is required to be a councillor.  It is important that all sorts of people serve as councillors to so that all parts of the community are represented. Training for new councillors is also available to help you understand the responsibilities of the role.
To request an application form or have any questions please contact the Parish Clerk Nigel Tinley. Please apply by 31st January 2025
The Parish Office The Memorial Hall TA20 2QA
01460 220063 Tuesday/Friday Moring


Nigel Tinley - Parish Clerk
Office Hours Tuesday and Friday 10am-12 noon 
Approved Budget 2025-2026 
Parish Council 1st Newsletter 2024 
Parish Council 2nd Newsletter 2024 
Parish Council 3rd Newsletter 2024 
Parish Council 4th Newsletter 2024 

Tatworth Church


 Parish Council 3rd Newsletter 2023
Parish Council 2nd Newsletter 2023
Parish Council Newsletter March 23
Parish Council Meetings
Amenities Committee 
Finance Meetings
Monthly planning applications:  February 6th meeting. Application Land off the Drift 25/00046/FUL
Parish Council Responses 
Planning applications 22/02461/OUT and 22/02462/OUT for land to the North of Fore Street A and B
Persimmon Forton Rd

 I regret that due to the lack of community support the Monday evening youth club has been forced to close. The Council will be investigating alternative events for 2025. 
Speed camera data Forton from Chard 22 Feb-11 Mar 24
Speed Camera data Station Rd May 24 
Speed Camera Data Dyke Hill Aug 24 
Speed Camera Data Dyke Hill Dec 24 
St. Margaret’s Hospice
St. Margaret’s Hospice
 Somerset GP Community Pharmacy "Think Pharmacy
 Please note that Tatworth allotment area is for allotment holders only and is not a general public area. No dogs are allowed in this area.
Your recycling and rubbish collection day might be changing, please see attached.